Magdalena Borowicz

Administration and Operations
  • More than 15 years of experience in managing healthcare entities
  • Completed >50 consulting projects in the area of health care for medical and individual entities, including implementation of the process of purchasing of medical entities
  • Experience in the implementation of quality management systems including the implementation of a project to prepare a district hospital for accreditation certification and achieving a score of 83%
  • Management of large structures with annual revenues of PLN 30 million, including a multi-profile hospital
  • Management in a distributed structure
  • Implementation and supervision of projects financed by EU, NCBiR, UP for a total amount of more than 5 million PLN
  • Supports management based on mutual respect and continuous improvement
  • She graduated from the Medical University of Warsaw (majored in dietetics, public health) and the Warsaw School of Economics (management of health care facilities), after which she earned an Executive MBA degree

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